Monday, February 16, 2009

Weightlifters, Runners, and Regular People.

There are many great things to be said about all three of the above. I recently have been running and made some observations. I went from not running in 10 years to being ready to run a half-marathon in 3 weeks. It made my legs thin out some and I lost a few lbs. I ran 9 miles in an 1 and 45 mins a week into my running, and then one week later I shaved 20 minutes off the same run, doing it in one hour and 25 mins. A few miles into my run I noticed that there is pushing yourself speed or taking it at an easy pace speed. Only 2 degrees of running really... I personally do not like the thought of that. Running is respectable in my eyes but definately made for the average Joe (or Jill) athlete. Anyone can do it and get better. It does not take too much time, just minimal dedication.
Weightlifting however does require much more. It has multiple degrees of intensity. People lift at all different "speeds" or intensities. You can lift hard or take it easy just like running, but lifting hard has a huge spectrum. One may never know the intensity that someone puts into it such as Lou Ferrigno or Arnold Schwarzenegger. The pain and consequences of their work done it the weightroom by far outweighs that of any runner in an race. For myself, I feel as though running is an easy thing to excel at, and therefore not my physical apettite.
Regular people may not understand a runner or a lifter. Some people are content with how they feel, look, or at what they accomplish. That is also 100% okay. In the whole biological stand point, these people are not going to survive if it really comes down to survival of the fittest.

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